
Monday, October 8, 2012

How to Choose a Wedding Menu

So you’ve worked out what dishes you’d like to offer the guests at your wedding reception and you’ve even managed to get all of your courses within budget.  But have you given any thought to the design and look of the menus that you need to place on the tables so that your guests can choose from the available options?

Menu by

It’s generally best for the menus to fit in with the table decor and it’s easy to make them add style.  Here are our tips on getting them right:

  1. Think about the size of the tables before you decide to put a menu in front of every guest.  Unless your tables are huge, the menus will just end up cluttering them up when the dishes are served.  One menu for every two guests is fine.
  2. Rather than laying them out flat, try rolling them up as scrolls and securing them with a pretty ribbon.  Alternatively, ask someone with origami skills to turn them into paper sculptures!
  3. If your budget is really tight, you could have the menus printed in a large format and have one per table, pinned to the centerpiece.  Or make them smaller and fit them in photo frames as a nice way to share around.
  4. Don’t ruin your clean line look with lots of card and paper.  Combine your place cards and menus into one.
  5. Even if the rest of your table decor is elaborate, keep the font type and size on your menus legible.  Nobody wants to be straining to read the dessert options!

Give us a call and let's discuss your wedding food options.

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