
Monday, February 18, 2013

Oscar-worthy Party Food

We love awards season, and the Oscars are an unbeatable show. If you're throwing an Oscar party, you'll want your menu to be award-winning, too.

There are plenty of ways to make your Oscar party food really stand out. You can have a nine-course meal with each course themed to each of the year's Best Picture nominees.

In most cases, the best bet is to go with a menu full of food your guests are bound to love. Even if the menu items have nothing to do with your party's theme, your guests will appreciate the top quality food. Good food goes with any type of party.

If you aren't sure about what to serve at your Oscar party, or any event you have coming up in the San Diego area, get in touch today. We're happy to discuss how we can help you have the perfect menu for any party!

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